Monday, March 15, 2021

The sky over Lake Mendota at 7:02 this morning — straight out of the iPhone, no color or light adjustments.



All I did was level the horizon slightly. 

I was going to take this morning off from my usual sunrise run, but I could see the color developing very intensely and darted out at the last minute. Sunrise wasn't until 7:10, and by 7:10 the color was quite faded, into a sunrise that I'd have judged to be in the middling range of the sunrises I've seen since beginning my sunrise run series in September 2019. 

I got to my vantage point and got these pictures at 7:02, so you see it's crucial to get out at least 8 minutes before the sunrise time to catch the most vivid sunrises. I jumped up, grabbed my keys, and got my shoes on, and headed out. I had no time at all to spare, or I would not have caught this — the most beautiful of all the sunrises I have seen. 

It was more beautiful in real life. Sometimes the photos bump up the beauty of cloud colors that are too subtle to wow you in person. But this was way over the top. Not just for sunrise connoisseurs! 

I'll put up a little video for another look: 

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